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Health & Productivity Management

Health & Productivity Management

Our company is committed to actively promoting health management, placing an even greater emphasis on the well-being of our employees. We will continue to implement ongoing health programs and advocate for preventive healthcare, supporting the enhancement of employee health and providing a conducive work environment. Moreover, we will strengthen our focus on mental health support, ensuring that our employees can work in a physically and mentally healthy environment. Through these initiatives, we aim to build a sustainable organizational culture, dedicating our efforts to health management for the future.

Our Commitment to Health and Productivity Management

You can find Mitsubishi Fuso’s ‘Commitment to Health and Productivity Management’ declaration in the downloadable PDF below:

Statement of Commitment (PDF, JP & EN)


Health and Productivity Management is a method that leads to the company’s sustainable growth by investing in the health of our employees.

2024 KPIs, Process & Outcomes

From looking at the past results of health checkups and stress checks, we have shed light on the potential health issues in Mitsubishi Fuso. In order to tackle these issues, we have set KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and Process & Outcome indicators as shown below.

Two Focus Areas for Improvement

In Health & Productivity Management, we put a spotlight on the connection between an individual’s stress level and diseases (especially high blood pressure).

2024 Core KPI

Based on the two health issues mentioned above, we set this year’s KPI as listed below.



Employees with high levels of stress less than 19%
Employees with high blood pressure less than 26%
Smokers decrease by 1%
Employees with obesity decrease by 1%
Employees with daily exercise habits over 30%
Percentage rating based on sleep satisfaction over 60%
Improvement rate in lifestyle habits post-intervention over 50%
Work engagement over 2.5 (Max 4.0)

2024 Index

In order to achieve the KPI, we set this year’s process & outcome indicators as shown below.

Process Indicators
Outcome Indicators
(1) Advise to take health checkups both at HQ and SC (1) Participation rate: 98% (HQ)
Increase by 2% YoY (MFTBC as whole)
(2) Conduct stress checks (2) Participation rate: over 80%
(3) Continue the ongoing project of mental and physical health promotion (3) YoY decrease in total number of sick leaves
(4) Mental health education targeting all employees including SC (spread the terminology “self care” and “line care”) (4) Average satisfaction rate: over 4.0
(5) Training programs for both new and mid-career employees (5) Average satisfaction rate: over 4.0
(6) Continue gathering health-related statistics, analyze the corelating factor, come up with a potential solution and publicize the results (6) Findings rate: Obesity (BMI≧25) Below 38%
Smokers  Below 40%
Full digitalization of health checkup results including SC
(7) Monitor PDCA cycle in Health & Productivity Management (including future schedules)
・Canteen event: Feb, May, Jun, Nov
・HA related training programs: Jan, May, Jul, Oct
(7) Conduct events, check results and feedback
(8) Fill in the survey regarding the company’s position in Health & Productivity Management conducted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (8) Acquire a position as a member of “White 500” (the top 500 companies in Japan with the most healthy working environment)

Organizational Structure

Our company will promote health and productivity management through the following system:


January 22, 2024

Health Promotion Talk - MFTBC Employee Health Day

Our HPM Talks event gave employees an opportunity to attend presentations by the FUSO Healthcare Center, the Labor Union, nutrition experts and the Health Insurance Association.

These impressions were followed by an engaging panel discussion including the previous parties, as well as FUSO’s CHO Kawachi-san. Attendees could gain valuable advice on nutrition, self-care and general health-related tips.

November, 2023

HPM E-learning for employees has launched!

We have already been providing well-being content on LinkedIn Learning provided by Daimler Truck since June 2023. There are currently over 30 contents registered, and we hope our employees will improve their well-being through this learning. Additionally, MFTBC rolled out original e-learning materials on the theme of mental and physical health on the end of November.

October 13, 2023

First training held for Health Ambassadors

Has anyone ever heard of the term “Health Promotion Ambassador”? A Health Promotion Ambassador is a person who attends health-related education regularly held by the Health and Productivity Management Office and is responsible for sharing the content with their respective workplaces. 31 Health Promotion Ambassadors have been assigned from each department, including HQ and Sales Centers, and after the training has been ongoing since October. They are distributing health-related information to their respective departments.

We believe that this activity is an important part of MFTBC’s efforts to foster a culture of health, and we plan to continue this activity.

Example: Feedback excerpt of HA Training participants

September 7-8, 2023

Nutrition and healthy diet event held at FUSO canteen

In September 2023, we held “events related to food and health” at the Kawasaki, Nakatsu, and Kitsuregawa in the canteen of each business site. This time’s theme was high blood pressure and stress. In particular, the Kawasaki Plant held an event on September 7th and 8th, and at the same time held a hybrid event so that participants could participate online from the canteen. Although this was our first time doing this, many participants participated on both days. This initiative is scheduled to continue in 2024, and will be held in February, May, August, and November in 2024, so please look forward to it!